Coming Soon: AudioAnecdotes on Github

Coincident with [Maker Faire 2010]( Steven DiRocco is helping us realize a long-term goal: making AudioAnecdotes code and projects publicly accessible. Real-soon-now you will be able to access and contribute to AudioAnecdotes projects at a [Github repository](

We will start with the following:

* Content:
* Audio Anecdotes Volume 1, 2, 3
* Example code/demos from the books
* Tour 1, 2, 3
* HTML based explanation of the demos. Refer to the books themselves for details on the algorithms

* Libraries:
* Portable Audio Blocking I/O: The easy to read/write audio library (inspired by the SGI AL) the examples are written in.

* Tools:
* caliper
* Who needs a GUI when you can have interactive parameter tuning from the command line?

* tbmaker
* The manifest-driven tarball maker we created to automatically build the installation CD

* wxwizapp
* Command-line based util to allow cross platform shell scripts to offer wizard-like GUI via wxWidgets (inspired by the Windows-centric Wizapp)

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